3DE by Junior Achievement
Designed to provide economic opportunity, 3DE Schools bring relevance and application across content through the use of business case methodology, entrepreneurship, and career-centered learning. By integrating the business community and industry in systematic ways, 3DE lifts students' competencies for competitiveness and life success. 3DE Schools re-engineers the public high school experience by providing access to in-demand careers, fostering school stability through engagement, and building a culture of excellence, community, and individual value.
Beginning in school year 2025-26, Florida will be home to 26 3DE Schools across 7 school districts. As part of a national model, the state of Florida will have more 3DE schools than any of its 9 counterparts nationwide. This effort aligns with the conjoined vision of the state and the Florida business community to make Florida #1 in both education and workforce development, ensuring that the next generation has the skillsets, mindsets, and behaviors to foster economic growth and personal fulfillment in our communities.
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Re-Engineering High School Education
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